Monday, July 24, 2006

Spam 2.0

In the past few months, email users have been receiving "anonymous" stock tips via their inbox or spam box. Spam is what it really is.

This nouveau spam makes a weak attempt at fooling the recipient into purchasing a stock. How does this work? Is this supposed to be a scam? Did these idiots really expect me to go out on a limb and buy this stock because some random email says to "check it out tomorrow morning"?

I'm curious as to who are the target victims of this scam. Who would be foolish enough to open an eTrade account, or to run to their broker to buy these dummy stocks? You have to be pretty foolish, desperate, or bored to become a victim.

However useless this type of spam may be, it has unfortunately been able to penetrate spam filters because of its "trade alert" headline. Many people who work in the finance industry have to sift through their inbox to separate this crap from legitimate news/tips. So more than anything, this new type of spam is causing congestion.


Anonymous said...

Spam!!! I had been having a lot of them in my blog. I think I'm going to fry it all up with some eggs and rice Yumm!

Anonymous said...

You know. AMD bought ATI today.

Anyways. Spam. and you think No one thinks that the Info on Spam mail is powerful enough? remember the movie "Boiler Room"?
Also, The cheaters on 警訊They look stuppid huh? still there are ppl got tricked.. Hum..

Justin said...

I think its different. Cold calling people to convince them and an email that says "Check it out" are two different things.

Two things: how much you're willing to trust a stranger, and how savvy you are with the type of media the spam comes in.

People got fooled by cell phone scams and email scams because it was a new type of media, and they were not familiar with it. Nowadays, I think most people are internet savvy enough to bypass this type of spam.

But yeah, who knows? I'm sure someone will 仲招.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of ppl got it in Taiwan actually.

Cold Calling and SPAM mail are pretty much the same thing. Just one with a person singing to you, one doesn't. ( sometimes, You might actually got SMS spams too~!)

They both have the Following..
1)Someone acted as some kind of authority tell you to
a) weird some money
b) Buying shit you don't need

2) A lot of them are illegal / tricks

3) Both requires some kind of media to communite.

4) once you get one of them, there'll be millions heading your way.

Anonymous said...

Wire... not weird

Justin said...

But you do recognize the difference between someone emailing you a stock tip and someone calling you about it ala Boiler Room style.

It is so much easier to ignore the email spam. Sure you can hang up on the caller, but unless you get spam calls all the time, most people aren't accustomed to just hanging up on someone. When your phone rings, you expect a conversation, not a conflict or argument.

Another thing about the "Trade Alert" stock tips. Now the scammers aren't going for your personal information, so these emails cannot be considered as phishing. So ESPs aren't obligated to do anything about them. Tricky indeed.

Then again, you have to be pretty ignorant to go through the trouble of buying a stock on the advice of an anonymous email stock tip.