Thursday, August 07, 2008

Golf without El Tigre

Suddenly, the PGA Tour Championship is upon us! I honestly didn't notice. Since the US Open, and since Tiger Woods got season ending surgery, golf has pretty much been fast forwarded for me. I've only noticed the majors, and the only reason I even noticed the British Open was Greg Norman almost winning it.

Is it my fault? Am I a "Tiger only" golf fan? Not necessarily. However, I have to admit that ESPN and a blog or two decide how much golf news I receive. Now that I'm paying attention, I've noticed that ESPN's golf coverage has dropped a ton since Tiger stopped playing.

Is this on purpose? Probably not. A sport simply isn't as exciting when your best player is injured; especially when its an individual sport. Even for other sports, when Jordan was injured, basketball suffered a blow. Tiger is just so much better than his peers, that the blow golf suffers is even greater. It's all relative.

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