Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Rich guys need to learn to drive

So I'm on my way to work as usual, and I come across this yellow Porsche GT2 that I see in the same spot occasionally. Today, I finally see the owner. He's opening the door for a girl to get in. I sure hope he knows how to drive. The GT2 is a 465hp rear engine, real wheel drive car. To enlighten the non-car nuts: the rear heavy, RWD setup makes it really easy to oversteer. This guy could end up in the Pacific real soon if he's not careful.

That makes me think of this evil site I once came across:

I want to say I can't believe how many idiots out there managed to wreck their $100,000+ sports cars. Unfortunately, I can. There are so many idiots out there who have too much money, and too little driving experience/training. In order to buy a Ferrari, it should be mandatory to either a) pass a special driving test, or b) take special driving lessons. Why? Because most people aren't used to handling cars that are that fast, and that easy to lose control of.

If you check out that site, you'll see part of how many of these specimens of road speed were wrecked. Some even list the reasons why. They were stuff like, wrecked while trying to overtake a bus, or wrecked while trying to show off, or let wife drive it on the track (ha ha). Pure stupidity.

Hey, I'm no genius of the road myself. I have had no performance driving training, and I'm sure I couldn't have taken even my front engine, front wheel drive, 200hp Honda Prelude to the limit. I know about the basic concepts of driving, but I have no actual experience. So basically, I've read a lot of books and played some Gran Turismo on the Playstation. I'm sure some of these exotic car owners have done even less than that.

So if you're going to buy a Porsche or Ferrari or Lamborghini, please learn how to drive it properly.

Note to self: keep Enzo in one piece.

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