Friday, January 20, 2006

Writer's Blogk

I'm sure my loyal readers (yup, all five of them) have noticed gaps in between my blog entries. Well yeah, so have I. There are a few reasons for this.
  1. China. Its incredibly difficult to log in to blogger dot com in China, and as I mentioned before, its not possible to view any blogger blogs including my own. So during my one to two week stints in China, I am not at all motivated to blog. Not to mention I hardly have any free time at all while I'm there.
  2. Sports. I can't help it that I'm addicted to sports; namely baseball and American football, but mostly baseball. Due to un-popular demand, I'm trying to cut down on my baseball entries as not to drive away what little audience I have.
  3. Taboo subjects. I don't like to bitch about work here. You never know who's reading my crap, and I don't want my own blog to bite my own ass, thanks and no thanks.
  4. Writer's block. Sure I could put in an entry a day about my everyday life, but I often feel this self inflicted pressure to post stuff that's unique or interesting or stuff that people will want to read. I get lost in that search for the perfect entry, and I'm often unable to decide what to write. I've got 10 posts lined up in my "save as drafts" section, but I often scrap them or never end up posting them cause I just deem them unworthy.
Anyways, I've decided yesterday to just "post whatever". Right, I don't think people would want to read about me and my daily adventures. Yet when I ask myself whether I had fun reading about Arthur getting food poisoning, or Alex's adventures at the Toad, the answer is a resounding YES! So I guess I'll just follow suit.


Anonymous said...

Dude, Why did't You say something like the "fight club" blog instead of the food blog.
Just write la, we love to read your Stuff... Yep, All 5 of us.

Justin said...

Fight club blog? Emmmmmmm.......
I only saw you fight once, and I couldn't stop laughing. Ha ha ha. Arthur's note to self: don't try to stop a fight while standing on ice!

Anonymous said...

WE are in Asia Baby~ I'll beat you to the Floor...but Why I want to fight my friend.. hum...anyways.

We are not going to fight Jeff. We are going to have some "Group bitching" that night, and Hope that will get things out of his system.

Justin said...

I fear the Tsai Li Foooo

Anonymous said...

Alright, that does it! No respect at all these days... I'll side tag you next time I see you