Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Miss You, Fat Bastard

When Kiki saw this picture, he said, "I look like a fat bastard". He was sort of right. My horrible hair plus his expression of "fatness", made for a pretty bad picture. Yet, this ugly ass photo still sits in a frame on my bookshelf among others.

This arrival of this September means that I've been at this blog for a year. It also marks the month that my best friend Kiki permanently departed from this world. Hate to sound like a broken record, but I still think about him everyday. Occasionally, I'll have a dream about him either still being alive or somehow becoming reanimated. Waking up from those dreams isn't so much shocking as it is disappointing. I am almost used to that feeling now: waking up disappointed that it was just a dream.

Meanwhile, my life continues to move forward. There's so much I want to say, and so much I want to share. I miss you Brother. Hope to see you again soon.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Re: Now You've Done It

In response to Alex's comment:
Alex said...
I understand you totally. But then what can we really do about it? Not turn on the AC? That would be lethal in the summer. Or maybe we should starting limiting the number of cars allowed in the city, just like those taxi license
I understand what your saying. It can be difficult having zero A/C during summer in Hong Kong. I just wanted to point out this article (see below). It is an interesting take on the use of A/C, experimentation, and a change in habit. Perhaps its time we all reassess our needs.

The story is basically about a guy whose habit was to flip on the A/C before bed. It was a ritual that had lasted for as long as he could remember. Then one day he got sick, and decided to sleep with just the fan. He slept great without A/C. Suspecting that his good night's sleep was due to him being sick, he tried later on to sleep through the night sans A/C. The results were the same: great night's sleep. Since then, the guy sleeps with only the fan on.

I'm not saying that everyone should sleep without A/C. However, I do encourage people to experiment with different ways to carry out daily tasks. See if a certain energy saving way might work for you. I tried sleeping without A/C, and it worked for me. Though I can understand how it might not work for everyone, the author of that article didn't think he could sleep without A/C until he actually tried it.

In the end, it all comes down to what we are accustomed to. Can we break the cycle and get used to different conditions?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Now You've Done It

Hong Kong is become less and less attractive to foreign companies. The reason is not as obvious as it seems. That's right boys and girls, its the environment. That overwhelming cloud of aerial pollutants that blocks our beautiful harbor view is driving away foreign investors. Nobody wants to work in this environment. They're paying a premium for office space that is surrounded by smog. Here's what the pie charts say:

If the quality of Hong Kong's environment remains the same...

The attractiveness to foreign investors will:
Get Worse 79%
Get Better 8%
No Change 14%

Will cause foreign companies to relocate away from Hong Kong:

Likely to very likely 59%

Unlikely to very unlikely 41%

Friday, September 01, 2006

Funny and Unfunny of the Day


"I got some good news earlier today before the show. Thanks to Alex Rodriguez, I am no longer the most overpaid disappointment in New York City."
-- David Letterman
