Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Miss You, Fat Bastard

When Kiki saw this picture, he said, "I look like a fat bastard". He was sort of right. My horrible hair plus his expression of "fatness", made for a pretty bad picture. Yet, this ugly ass photo still sits in a frame on my bookshelf among others.

This arrival of this September means that I've been at this blog for a year. It also marks the month that my best friend Kiki permanently departed from this world. Hate to sound like a broken record, but I still think about him everyday. Occasionally, I'll have a dream about him either still being alive or somehow becoming reanimated. Waking up from those dreams isn't so much shocking as it is disappointing. I am almost used to that feeling now: waking up disappointed that it was just a dream.

Meanwhile, my life continues to move forward. There's so much I want to say, and so much I want to share. I miss you Brother. Hope to see you again soon.


Anonymous said...

there are people we cannot live without, but have to learn to let go of. such is life sometimes. half answers, half answered.

some nights may seem longer than the days, but in the course of a year, remember that they do even out.

don't stay in the twilight too long, yea?

Anonymous said...

dude, I miss him too

John said...

People come and go through our lives for various reasons. I believe your friend has served his purpose to you through and through. You remembering him means he was successful.