Thursday, October 12, 2006

Policy Address

Hong Kong's most gutless man strikes again!

After that anti-smoking cop-out he pulled last year, the master of Chinese cheek-kissing is back this year with another gutless cop-out; this time he's backing out of setting up minimum wage legislation. Of course we all remember his false promise to improve the environment. What has this guy done?! What is his purpose? To go around shaking peoples' hands and asking them whether they've eaten lunch yet?

I bring up that point because that's exactly what he did. Tsang went around local neighborhoods asking residents who were on their way to work, whether they were on their way to work. He asked people who just finished lunch, whether they had lunch yet. Do something already! I can't stand how he pretends to be a politician. Don't we have any good politicians in Hong Kong? Perhaps China only approves of the silly ones, because they are easy to control. From now on, his nickname is no longer "Bow Tie", its "The Puppet".

Puppet Tsang (PT for short), is continually protective of the business circles (工商界) in Hong Kong. Every time the people want something whether it be anti-smoking legislation, environmental improvement, or minimum wage legislation, those bastards of business always get in the way. With the help of PT, they always end up getting their way, too. I don't know what PT is so afraid of. Even our Mainland brethren have a minimum wage policy. Perhaps he's afraid of angering big business, which is possibly his meal ticket after his term in office ends. Is this idea so preposterous? A good number of politicians in Hong Kong have moved on to big business after they retire from politics.

This time around, he says non-legislative policies will be suggested, and the possibility of legislation will be reviewed in two years... TWO YEARS?! Unbelievable. Instead, he throws out some chump change used for "determining whether the improvement plan is successful". What kind of bullshit is that?


Turns out the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (食環處) pays its workers less than government issued welfare. So the question is, would you rather work your ass off sweeping the streets and cleaning the toilets, or would you rather kick back at home and pick up an even bigger check? Hong Kong would be a nice city if it weren't for corruption, unethical practices, and a shoddy government.


Anonymous said...

Wow 3 updates 3 days in a row, I must take an extra half hour lunch to digest all these great reading

Justin said...

Re: alex

Ha ha, thanks buddy. I recommend you skip over the baseball one ;)