Friday, November 03, 2006

A Bit of Control

Last time I was in China, I noticed something different. I could view my blog! That's right folks. Blogger blogs were suddenly visible in the Mainland. I don't know if it was a hole in the system, a glitch in the Matrix. It makes me slightly giddy.

Recently in the news, Google was criticized by the world for allowing China to impose censorship with Google dot CN. I have a couple of thoughts on that. Why is Google catching all the flak, when all the other search engines are also abiding by this communist rule? Do they really have a choice?

I think the main question is: would the world be better off with Google not being available in China? The answer is no. For China to break loose from the communist wrath, they must have access to Google. It is a small first step in breaking away from censorship. Why? Because in a decade's time, when Google becomes indispensible to China's education system and economy (like it has become in the U.S.), they will have control over China and not the other way around. Google will slowly but surely remove the censorship facade from China. Chinese people will be free at last.

Lets just hope communists aren't reading this... ha ha. Even if they are, what can they do? Who can refuse the vast resource called Google? Then again, will Google become the next China? Afterall, they will be in control of what we search for and what we cannot.

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