Monday, November 06, 2006

我們的祖國... 唉 Part V

China 101
Bigger fist = More Power
(Click picture to read article)
See here for the online version

Hunan County government big shot attaches army license plates to his car in order to bypass routine security checkpoints. Local checkpoint traffic cop gets suspicious, and stops big shot's car for inspection. Big shot gets pissed, and calls his army-related thugs to beat up the traffic cop.

Would this hapen in your country? This would be like Senator John Kerry riding in an Army Humvee in attempt to avoid paying his toll on the Mass Pike. If a state trooper stopped him, what is the likelyhood that he'd call the National Guard to come beat up this Statie?
  1. Very likely
  2. Likely
  3. Not likely
  4. Very unlikely
  5. None of the above
Well... I think I'll pick number five, none of the above. The answer is yes, if hell freezes over.

This blogger has a different take on the situation. Our big shot, Liu Hua (劉樺) is simply a crappy politician. Read the article here.

Luckily, this incident was caught on video. I am quite sure that unfair incidents like this happen all the time. None of them ever see the light, as the victims are likely threatened and tend to keep quiet. I certainly hope that this will signal the end to Liu Hua's political career. Let this be a warning to future Chinese officials. Using your political power in the form of brute force will not be tolerated. How is this different from a street gang? Liu Hua is a thug, and he should be allowed nowhere near a position of power (as with many other Chinese politicians).

More articles on this ridiculous incident: here, here, and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I love my motherland.