Friday, February 09, 2007

Thank you, Whistler

My first time on the slopes was a blast. Learning how to snowboard was difficult at first, but eventually I got up to speed (literally) on the 2nd/3rd day.

Got beat up pretty bad by both gravity and mother nature. Though I have a suspicion that it was my own lack of skill/technique.

Anyways, an excellent 3 days in Whistler. I feel fully recharged and ready to go. Though due to some minor injuries, I'm not ready to go back to the gym just yet!


Anonymous said...

Wow Whistler that is one fancy place to learn snowboarding.
How was the condition? I heard their climate can get rainy sometime.

We should plan a trip together next winter.

Justin said...

re: alex

I feel very fortunate, and I also feel that hole Whistler burned through my wallet...! A great time indeed. Snowboarding was awesome. The conditiosn were awesome. It snowed on the 2nd day, but rained on the third. I felt the rain didn't affect the slope condition much.

This year the West coast got a ton of snow. Whistler and Vail are supposed to be excellent this season.

YES! I would love to learn from the master!

Anonymous said...

Justani - I was really impressed by how well you snowboarded (it was only your 2nd day when you started going up to the top with us!) However, I must say Betty is probably slightly better than you....HAHAH! Ready to conquer the black runs yet? =)

Unknown said...

Told you snowboarding was fun back in nhm days, but you never came out with us.
Man, I haven't been back there in ages, you know I used to go up there with michael 12 years ago.
We should go together next year, it has been a while.

Justin said...

Re: robert:

"I feel the need... the need, for speed! OWW!!!"

Re: Joseph

Yeah yeah, no need to rub it in ;)