Monday, March 19, 2007

1) Press 2) Off





考 評局今年首設「公開考試資訊中心」,中心已於本周一運作,公開試期間,考試局特別派出七至八名員工接聽電話,解答考生疑難。對於有自修生「請槍」代考數學 科,許婉清表示,現時擁有成人身份證的自修生准考證不需要貼上相片的做法,其實與國際考評機構相同。但她坦言監考員核對考生身份時亦「有機會看漏眼」,考 評局不排除日後要求成年的自修生准考證同樣貼上考生相片。

Due to incidents of kids cheating on exams through the use of mobile phones, the government has take extreme measures to ensure that mobile phones are turned off during exams. If a test taker's mobile phone rings or vibrates during the exam, that will be automatically disqualified for all tests. It is a big punishment in comparison to last year's drop of one grade.

Some students complain that the punishment is too harsh. True, the DQ is a bit shocking at first, especially since a phone going off doesn't necessarily equal cheating. Think of it this way though: if you're too stupid to turn off your phone during one of the most important tests of your life, then you probably should have stayed home in the first place. I'm pretty sure that there are reminders to shut off mobile devices everywhere. Forgetting is not an excuse. Not knowing how is no excuse. If you don't know where the on-off button of your phone is, you're not qualified to use it.

Okay, some phones are difficult to use. The alarm goes off even when the power is off. It can be complicated! Simple solution: remove the battery.

Damn... they should make this a test question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'd probably leave my phone at home to be even more focused on one of the exams in my lifetime. talking about ringing phones, hate it when they go off on the couse...