Monday, January 14, 2008

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

So last Tuesday night, I decide to do something I probably haven't done in years. I went to bed at 9:25PM. The plan was to wake up early the next day and go to the gym. Luckily, I fell asleep fairly quickly.

As expected, my body wouldn't let me sleep more than eight hours. I woke up at 5:30 refreshed, but I was shocked to discover that my solid eight hours was rewarded with a sore throat.

Whaddaya know... a good night's sleep yielded me the flu.


John said...

Maybe you're body is trying to tell you that you're still too young to try to sleep early. Go out and party hard (especially when I'm in town in March!).

Justin said...

That's why I'm sleeping early during January and February: to prepare for your visit in March.

Oh BTW, don't expect to get any sleep at all during your visit.

alex said...

Wow 9:25 that's crazy!! The earlist for me is 10:00

Miss.E. said...

Laughman, I think you have to go on a detox programme before Johnny boy hits town too.

John said...

Oh BTW, don't expect to get any sleep at all during your visit.

Oh those are fighting words, my friend! And Edith says I HAVE to crash at your place if I'm drunk. Which is highly likely.

Justin said...

Ahh.... bad idea. I live 30-40mins from the city via a windy road, while Edith will be residing a 5 minute walk from the prime drinking spots.

Why make it hard on yourself?

Miss.E. said...

Why make it hard on yourself?

*meh*. Why make it hard on me? =D

laughingman is mean. I don't want a drunk Johnny boy in my bed. He'd look better in yours.

Hey, no drink and drive. We still need you for future sessions.

Justin said...

Who said he has to sleep on your bed? The floor should suffice. A drunk person doesn't know the difference anyways.

Who said I'm driving? We'd of course employ the service of a crazy HK cab driver. Yet it makes no sense when John can crawl to your place in 5 minutes -_-;

Miss.E. said...

*rofl* You can't put a drunk on the floor in winter! The alcohol would freeze in his blood, and I'd have to find a way to get rid of a corpse (and send a leg of ham to his family) :D

Or hmm. Maybe that's not too bad an idea....

Justin said...

Don't worry. I've slept drunk on the floor in the dead of winter (real winter, not the fake SE Asian winter) many times.

John said...

I love being a p(r)awn in the continuing war between Edith and Justin.

Miss.E. said...

touche. =P