Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy Belated New Year

It is one week after the new year. This last week felt like a month... and we only worked three days!

The days away from the office were nice, but no less stressful. I can recall churning out a couple extra work emails in the wee hours of Christmas Eve, as a friend next to me belted out some Eason Chan lyrics in a karaoke room no less.

For moi, last year was long and arduous mentally. I guess some growing up was in order.

This morning, the christmas tree in my house will be taken down. So soon, it seems. Perhaps it is a sign for me to move on, and not dwell on the past.

1 comment:

John said...

Taking down the Christmas tree? Man, it means you miss out on the Macedonian Christmas which is today!

And there's no need to take it down and pack it away: all you have to do is shove it into the fire escape and block the escape route like we did at school.