Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Style of Corruption: The Puppet

24.11.2008 潘小濤








It appears that corrupt Chinese politicians have found a new way to steal from the people. They've gotten smart. Instead of strong-arming the funds and concealing the crime with their authority, they employ a "puppet" to do their dirty deeds. When this puppet gets caught, they are free of any blame.

This case in point involves a middle carpenter with only an elementary school level education. This man, Wang Xiniu, managed to open a shell company in Hong Kong and proceed to con investors into giving him a grand total of RMB 1.7 billion within the very short span of four years. Through forged documents, he has six identities, and six wives to match.

Wang's building investment proposals were obviously flawed, yet they somehow got approved. How did this happen? How did an uneducated carpenter orchestrate such an elaborate plan and actually succeed in its execution? Wang has now been caught and been proven guilty in a court of law. However, no details behind his actions have been disclosed, and the whereabouts of the 1.7 billion yuan is still unknown.

One can only come to the conclusion that there is a higher power behind the scenes. The men behind the man are likely corrupt Chinese government officials. Only they would have the power to push for the approval of such shoddy construction proposals, and only they have the ability to prevent the courts from probing any further into the people behind Wang Xiniu. Meanwhile, Wang, who began as their puppet, is now their deliberate scapegoat. They knew that his ruse was built on sand and was destined to be uncovered. Now Wang takes all the blame, and the people's money will never been seen again.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bling It!

Click here for the tech stuff.  Tests have shown that Chrome is twice as fast as Firefox, and it appears to be the fastest browser available.  Has mighty Google done it again?  The browser feels great.  It has nearly everything Firefox 3 has.  It doesn't "hang" occasionally like FF does, and it is a lot faster (at least it feels that way since I haven't timed it myself).  Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised that Google appears to be dominating another facet of my web experience.  The Google search engine, Gmail, Maps, Google Chat, Blogger, Reader, Picasa, and even YouTube, all suit my web lifestyle just right.  Minimalist, utilitarian, unobtrusive, efficient, are words I'd use to describe Google's most basic products.  They are taking over the world and perhaps they deserve to.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weak Sauce

Why is our government so weak?! Every time the public or the media asks our government to make a decision or solve an issue, all we get is a wishy-washy non-answer.  As the article notes, our useless government always comes back with a non-answer like, "that is a hypothetical question", or ignoring the problem all together with, "there is no problem there", or yet another non-answer like, "the government has the ability to solve any problems that may arise".   

Macau is not a mirror image of Hong Kong, but being another SAR of China, it is the only place to compare us to.  The Macau government is not perfect.  Yet how come they can come up with solid answers and our government cannot?  We've even had a two year head start in terms of SAR experience.

I hate our government. I hate them for their style of corruption, and their lack of a spine.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We Have Arrived!

Big-O's checklist on who to thank:

1. Family
2. Supporters
3. The People

...for obvious reasons.

4. George W. Bush

...if he didn't do such a craptastic job in the last four years, Obama wouldn't have won so convincingly.
