Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weak Sauce

Why is our government so weak?! Every time the public or the media asks our government to make a decision or solve an issue, all we get is a wishy-washy non-answer.  As the article notes, our useless government always comes back with a non-answer like, "that is a hypothetical question", or ignoring the problem all together with, "there is no problem there", or yet another non-answer like, "the government has the ability to solve any problems that may arise".   

Macau is not a mirror image of Hong Kong, but being another SAR of China, it is the only place to compare us to.  The Macau government is not perfect.  Yet how come they can come up with solid answers and our government cannot?  We've even had a two year head start in terms of SAR experience.

I hate our government. I hate them for their style of corruption, and their lack of a spine.

1 comment:

Josekin said...

Now only if I were the owner of a small casino in Macao... I'd take the cash and make a bet on Macao going down. If I win the bet, my ass is covered PLUS I get bailed out. If I lose the bet, no sweat, my casino is going strong with Macao.