Thursday, September 13, 2007

What a Load of Crap

China's safest city is Hong Kong. Well... duh. I wouldn't expect anything less. Also, I'm totally unsurprised that Guangzhou was number 13 on that list. I wouldn't say GZ is a dump, but security/safety wise, its the pits. In fact, I'm wondering why it isn't lower than 13. Same goes for Shenzhen. Why is it 11 on the list? These two cities should both be something like 95.
What really tickles me (in a really negative way) is the list of most beautiful cities in China. They actually dared to put Shenzhen at third place on the list. Describing it as "青春都市美" (Young Beautiful City) on the "美態定位" (Beauty Position). Uhh... what? Chinese love to make up stupid bullshit when describing things. Plus, anyone who's been to Shenzhen knows that nothing there comes even remotely close to the word beauty. It is dirty, polluted, run down, and nothing close to beautiful.
Its almost like they make this shit up just to force people into believing these cities are actually somehow beautiful. Its so ludicrous and far from the truth, I get a headache as I'm typing this.


Anonymous said...

青春都市美 LOL
Please don't let them brainwash you!

ahsir said...

No man, It is just like 新城電台, everyone gets a Price...
Man, Beijing is the of the worst Capital I have ever visit man!
Me going to type up a blog about it.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm pretty sure they didn't make this up. However, by ramdonly surveying 25K Chinese people and asking a series of questions, I say this survey is flawed. For example, I wonder how many people from the 661 cities they surveyed have actually been to, say, HK or Shenzhen? How does a Chinese living in a rural village know the "investment climate" in Nanjing? I'm sure if we did a survey of HK folks, the rankings will change significantly. I personally think the Lo Wu train station is the most unsafe part of China...=)