Monday, December 17, 2007

The Year in Review Meme

Includes invisible commentary. Highlight the commentary after the sentence to read it. This entry is John's idea.

January First Two Thousand and Seven marks the day Hong Kong banned smoking in most indoor public places. (Finally!)

My first time on the slopes was a blast. (This was to be the first of many vacations I took this year.)
Oscars 2007 came and went. (...and all I cared about was Al Gore's film about the environment.)
Doesn't it seem like so many of China's internationally recognized people are in prison? (The Chinese are punished for exposing their nation's flaws.)
Sports journalist Gary Thorne alleges that Curt Schilling's bloody socks in 2004 during game 6 of the ALCS and game 2 of the World Series were fake, meaning the blood was painted on. (...and Thorne does this for a living, how?)
6.4 不忘

Back from a relaxing weekend in Bangkok, followed by a hectic yet enjoyable week in Singapore. (Another vacation... unbelievable.)

First it was Randy Moss, then Kevin Garnett, and now Eric Gagne. (Yeah, Gagne turned out to be a really good acquisition, not.)
Just got back from a relaxing trip to Hokkaido. (I'm a bum... a bum that goes on vacation.)
I think its really dumb how Chinese people are superstitious. (How has superstition contributed to society? Ugly buildings? Unnecessary spending?)
It seems strange calling the Patriots underdogs in the match-up against the Colts just a couple hours ago. (Pats still going strong. I won't jinx them by announcing the record.)
I was shocked to discover last weekend that the "Ramen Street" in Causeway Bay has turned into an electronic shopping mall. (Even more shocking as to how this sentence has become the centerpiece for December.)

1 comment:

ahsir said...

ALright, Let me Bring you to some Good ramen man~
cos~ That street's noodles shops... Well,.. only one of them taste good. The oters.. Hum.. done poorly.