Friday, June 20, 2008

Everybody Loses

Are the truck drivers right? Is the government focusing on the wrong stuff? Alcohol over fuel? Whether the decision was right or wrong, the people feel disenfranchised. Again, the silly HKSAR government has managed to give the impression that they are trying to make the rich richer. This stupid government needs to learn about something called foresight. They need to make decisions that benefit a majority of the people, then have their PR guys run all over town promoting their work. Now it's just the opposite. Everything is disaster management. The government is often seen as putting more money in the pockets of the rich AKA their friends/possibly future employers.

Despite the massive groan from the Hong Kong public, the government continues to blindly go ahead with its promotion of wine in the region. Personally, I'm disappointed with the decision to demolish the alcohol tax. Very little or no savings have been passed on to the actual consumers. Instead, the money has gone straight to the distributors. Wine shops shrug as they didn't win or lose in this situation, and they aren't to blame either. The government should have taken a step back, seen that when the alcohol tax was lowered a couple years ago, there was no significant drop in the price of alcoholic beverages. Is there a solution here? Probably not. Yet, why make your actions look dubious? Why make people feel disenfranchised? If I had any humble advice for the HKSAR government, it would be to focus on the real issues... please.

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