Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cheapness Comes at a Price

The Hong Kong Jockey Club hands out free souvenirs on the final race day only to cause another near riot.

Another Jockey Club debacle? Who's responsible this time?

Just don't ask the Jockey Club, because the only answer you'll get is that its not them. Excuses like, "the people lost control", and "the police didn't do enough", are only two reasons JC is using to skirt responsibility.

A similar incident happened two years ago when 精英大師 souvenirs hats were handed out, causing a riot and twenty people injured. Can't the JC simply learn from their mistakes? Here's the real reason for both mini "riots": the JC only prepared 4000 souvenirs for 20,000 people. If you're going to give away stuff to only one fifth of the people, why even bother...? If you're going to hand out souvenirs to attract attendance, then at least take responsibility for your actions.


John said...

Not that it matters, but what were they giving out, anyway?

ahsir said...

Justin, I kind of disagree on this issue.

Even that the Jockey club made enough freebies, there might still be a chaos. Dude, itis Always first come first served anyways.

Did you watch the video of people basically grabbed (Some attacked) the "Jocky club workers" (Or helpers) and Get the give aways themsevles.
And Whenever there's a new box of those horse models, people just .. basically get the it themselves.. did not even wait for the helpers to hand them out...

Justin said...

Re: john

I think there were some mini jerseys of jockeys.

Re: ahsir

Well, think about it. If you heard that Jockey Club was giving out freebees at the last race of the season, what would be the first thought that would come to mind? I'll tell you what would come to mine:


How could they not anticipate this? Yet still they irresponsibly chose to go through with it in hope of attracting more business. It is the JC's fault, and they should take responsibility.

ahsir said...

ah. Does it really has to be Riot?
NO~ as long the funcation is CONTROLED. YOu think anticipation would help? Did you know how many Cops and Helps were there at the spot?
The reason why there were Chaos... was because the Cops Seeing there were Way more ppl then they were prepared for. Then the Cops told JC to Stop handling out gifts... THEN the major Riot started.

Now... I personally think you can never prevent this kind of stuff from Happening. BUT I really do think there are more ppl to blame othere then the JC club.

Justin said...

Re: ahsir

I think you missed my point. When I said anticipate, I meant that the JC should have known something like this was going to happen. With this knowledge, the solution should have been to not hand out free souvenirs.

Yet the JC (probably some fuckwit in marketing) still decided to go ahead despite the risks and danger involved. Twenty people were injured last time. Is that not a big enough warning? Do we need sirens and flashing red lights?

You are correct in saying that you cannot prevent greedy people from breaking the rules and causing problems. Which is why JC should have realized (after the previous incident) that passing out free, uesless stuff is the wrong thing to do.

John said...

They should've known how Hong Kong people would react when any form of freebies are being handed out: that they would go absoulte apeshit. Case in point: all those useless things that you get from McDonalds and 7-Eleven...

And add in to all those punters who have lost money throughout the day. As the Kaiser Chiefs say: "I predict a riot, I predict a riot!"

Justin said...

Hong Kong people love to 貪小便宜. Its both sad and funny to see people fight over material items.