Monday, September 19, 2005


Today I discovered "podcasts". In iTunes, you can download and/or subscribe to what are basically radioshows. The episodes are automatically downloaded onto iTunes so you can listen to them on the go. There is a ton of variety in terms of podcast content. All the mainstream subjects are covered (i.e. news, sports, entertainment, tech, etc.), and the beauty of it is that anyone can do podcasting. So there are more and more podcasts done by amateurs on subjects they're interested in. Some people treat it as a blog in spoken form. For those of you who have iTunes, give it a try! For now, take a look at the silly thin iPod nano.


Nat said...

not silly.. i was actually thinking of gettin the nano... oh also podcasting rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

Get the nano. It's so suhweet. I messed around with my friend's the other day. Or get the Motorola iPod phone compatible with iTunes.