Monday, September 26, 2005

Sweeeeeeeeet (literally)

I was delighted to find Cherry Coke for sale in my local supermarket. I have been deprived of the syruppy cherry sweetness for over a year now ever since moving back to Hong Kong. So upon seeing the deep red colored cans, I immediately began unloading them from the shelf into my shopping cart. It is then when I noticed that they all expire on the 7th of November 2005. I proceeded to slowly stack the cans back up on the shelf until my cart was left with three. Oh, the cans were also really really dirty. I brought my three cans home and washed them with soap and water before stuffing them in the fridge. I put one of them in ice water so I could sample the tasty beverage sooner.

Seeing the situation of the cans at the store, I began to wonder how long this Cherry Coke stint will last in Hong Kong. Perhaps that supermarket has already stopped ordering Cherry Coke, and that is the last batch for ever and ever. Now that pisses me off. With all the promoting The CCC did for the mediocre Vanilla Coke and seemingly popular Lemon Coke, they did absolutely zero promotions for Cherry Coke. I didn't even know it was available.

For those of you that care, I found Cherry Coke at the Red Hill Wellcome in Tai Tam. Get it before it expires.


Anonymous said...

bought a bottle of cherry coke last friday when grabbing my lunch at 7-11. YUM~~

Nat said...

justin in your blog setting set it to make sure ppl have to enter letters so u dont get spam comments :)
also.. i dun like cherry coke but my best friend is obcessed with it!! remember my diet coke addiction?? i am almost rid of it i only drink coke on weekends now... slowly eliminating it tryna get healthy. but for your sake i hope you find cherry coke in HK again or else u can have somethin to look forward to when u come visit this side of the world

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip Natasha. BTW, does my sidebar still appear at the bottom of your screen?

I'm trying to cut down on sweets, "empty calories", salt, and fatty foods. I think Arthur is also struggling to get healthy as well. You guys have my support. Any questions?

Don't forget to quit smoking while you're at it!