Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In the Name of Progress...

We would all like to imagine that in this day and age, people would progress the proper way. Through science, technology, and experience, we'd like to say that we're doing the best we can for our people and our world. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

In the name of progress (or shall I say in the name of the RMB), companies are transforming villages in order to build factories. Clearing out the vegetation is bad enough, but these factories kick it up a notch and carelessly dump their untreated waste. This has created these "cancer villages" that are spreading across China. The villagers have no choice but to breathe unclean air and drink toxic water. They complain to authorities, but they are given no response.

A woman at the village decided to write her own diary about the conditions in the village. This diary has slowly evolved into a "deathnote". It records all the people who have died in the village of various cancers. Their illnesses and deaths are a direct result from the surrounding pollution. Despite this obvious correlation, the corrupt government is doing nothing.

People are suffering right before our eyes, and there is nothing being done. In the name of progress, they say.


alex said...

I'm with you man, I live with the entire Kodak plant in my city.

Justin said...

One benefit of living in America is that when bad shit happens, people take notice, the media reports on it, and companies get sued for a lot of money. None of that happens in China.