Friday, June 09, 2006

Religious wussies strike back

The Da Vinci Code movie has been banned in China, and it is suspected that the reason behind the ban is religion. Okay, I'm not going to bother explaining why it was banned or whether its right to ban the movie. You can look that stuff up yourself.

My point is... why are Christians so afraid of this movie? What's to be afraid of? Are they so lacking in confidence of their own religion that they fear a movie will create an army of non-believers? Have some faith in your beliefs, sheesh.

On the other hand, China, through means of censorship, communism, and the lack of fairness, never ceases to disappoint me. Screw you, China. (Ha! They won't see this, cause blogger is censored in China).


Anonymous said...

When I saw that on the news my first thought was "Don't we have bigger issues in the world to worry about." What are bunch of BS

coach said...

da vinci's banning increases its popularity. that's always the case

Justin said...

People using religion as a shield to make decisions or commit certain acts is a pretty big issue these days.

Did China do it to make way for local films?

Was it for religious reasons? To be on slightly better terms with the Vatican?

Will the sale of pirated Da Vinci Code DVDs skyrocket because of this?

Anonymous said...

Nah, I think China did a Good job, cos "Da Vinvi Code~The movie" Sucked Big time.

knockoutgirl said...

"they fear a movie will create an army of non-believers?"

that IS the whole premise of the book/movie... you could say that the ppl against the movie are akin to the anatagonist characters in the movie.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I always think religion is just some human trying to manipulate others.. That doesn't imply I don't believe in god.

Commie, I don't think there is anything wrong for them to be a bit overly conservative at sometimes (may not apply to this case).. It's like giving porn to 5 years old...

Justin said...

Well, exactly. They spend all of eternity trying to convince a bunch of people that their way is the truth. Now someone decides to disagree and they throw a hissy fit.

Its like the dude in a bar who gets all pissed when a guy starts talking to his girlfriend. If the dude had the least bit of confidence, he'd be fine.