Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New gym character: Unenthusiastic Fit Guy

That's right boys and girls, a new gym character has arrived!

This guy is not new to the gym. I've seen him around for quite some time already. Recently, I only see him when he's with his trainer. Unenthusiastically Fit Guy is quite fit, as his name states. What I've noticed is that his attitude is pretty lethargic when he's with his trainer. The scene is quite amusing.

The whole time UFG's trainer is trying to pump him up. UFG on the other hand is being a bit whiney about the whole thing. When he's lifting, you can tell its not easy, but he's not really trying that hard. The trainer tells him, "okay two more reps!", and UFG replies, "uhh... I don't think so", and puts the weights down. You can tell the trainer is a bit disappointed, but the guy is so nice that all he does is smile. The trainer tries to mix things up a bit and introduces new exercises to UFG's routine. When this happens, UFG unthusiastically says, "uhh... what's this now?".

The strangest thing was that the guy looked so fit. His demeanor didn't reflect his physique. There are two reasons why people hire a trainer: 1) They need instruction on how to do the exercises, develop a routine, and maybe get some eating tips. 2) They need someone to motivate them while exercising.

I don't know... I think trainers are a waste of money unless you're a professional athlete or bodybuilder. Us regular folk should be able to learn how to use the machines, and buy a book or read some magazines to develop a routine. It seems silly to pay so much money for someone to push you. Would your boss hire you to make him do his job? Instead, get a friend to go with you, or befriend someone similar (so you don't have to keep changing the weights) and workout together. You can motivate each other.

Update on annoying gym regulars:
Talkative Asian Duo These guys haven't showed up since they became a trio. Awesome! No more loud macho banter, no more hogging the bench press, no more lack of re-racking.

Orgasmic Situp Girl Haven't seen her in a looong time. Perhaps she has found a new way to orgasm. Unfortunately, her coach/partner still shows up on occasion. He still manages to leave his crap all over the place.

Tall Mean (Nice) Dude As mentioned in a previous post, Tall Mean Dude is now Tall Nice Dude. He is still nice the last time I saw him. Must be on Prozac.

Unfortunately, there have been new annoying people popping up at The Edge. Don't worry folks, they'll show up on these pages and receive the verbal bludgeoning they deserve soon enough.

Here are links to the previous gym posts:
I need my own gym
Welcome new idiot gym character!
Peaceful gym... sort of


Anonymous said...

Well, I think trainer is important to a beginner who wants to learn lifting free weights instead of machine, sinc that requires more proper forms and balance.

Anonymous said...

Man, Sucks to be that Trainer dude, I'll bet he wants to kick that guy's Behind.

I think Trainers are very important too! At least get your lazy ass to work~ and show you the ropes~

What I hate about some trainers is that they would Push you to Buy sshit from them. The shakes and even workout videos..

Justin said...

Ten to twenty years ago I would have thought a trainer to be necessary. Workout and exercise information was not as readily available as it is today.

Nowadays, there are so many free bodybuilding, weight loss, eat right websites with a plethora of information, that it really isn't necessary for a trainer anymore. At the site I visit, they even have free videos of each and every exercise (proper form of course). They even note what to avoid when doing the exercise plus the potential injury hazards.

Yes, for beginners, a trainer can help give the potential Mr. Universe a jumpstart, but I think too many people end up relying on the trainer in the long run. They won't do any research of their own. Its like those people who rely on the IT guy all the time. They never bother to learn about computers because they know can lean on the IT guy when something breaks.

Oh well.

I chat with that trainer sometimes. He's this big, tall, super fit Jamaican guy (with skinny legs tho). The nicest trainer I've ever met; probably due to his laid back Jamaican style. =P

Anonymous said...

Since I've been at the Red X, I've found that making character names like "Horse Laugher" or "Smoking Garden Gnome" is quite fun.

I'm glad others do this, it makes for wonderful blog posts :D

Anonymous said...

woops, that's my comment above O_o