Friday, June 23, 2006

World Cup Disappointment

I have been waiting eight years for the 2006 World Cup! Okay, maybe not that long. I've been waiting eight months for the 2006 World cup! Why? Because I would finally get to watch it in Hong Kong at semi-regular hours, and everything would just be non-stop World Cup. The booze would flow, sleep at 5, wake up at noon. That's right folks, World Cup: 晚九朝五!

Turns out I had it all wrong.

The first round group matches end after tonight. So far, I've only watched a whopping four live matches. A huge disappointment. I can attribute this to a few reasons:

The group matches and final 16 matches have been bought up by Cable TV, which I have no access to. Like many other Hong Kongers, I'm forced to watch it from a location other than my home such as bars (everywhere has a cover, and rightfully so I suppose), malls, or public outdoor screens.

Unlike the good old days of 1998, I now I have to work. I really cannot afford to sleep at 5 every morning and expect myself to wake up at 7. I end up watching highlights of the previous night's matches on the local channel.

I'm just not excited anymore. There are so many matches I wanted to watch, but could not. I know the players, but I'm not particularly attached to any of the teams. For me, the World Cup has lost the glamour of yesteryear.


Anonymous said...

Come on brother~
Worldcup is in your heart~i can Feel it.

But then, I have to say, cable TV HK did kill off my heat from within.

I think I love the game more with 阿叔。

Anonymous said...

I'm really thankful to my boss, since she allows me to work at home a lot, therefore I was able to watch a lot of the games

John said...

Face it, you're growing old.

Anonymous said...

Brazil is playing better and Better!
I like that Finally,, they are becoming more like a team.